Sunday, May 24, 2009

How does your garden grow?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary how does your garden grow?...well I ain't Mary, but the garden is growing fine LOL!!! The rhubarb is growing splendidly and from just three (3) plants, it's not too shabby. So far everything is growing just fine. Beans, beets, carrots, tomatoes, peas, strawberries, black berries, raspberries, cucumbers, and zucchini. The rabbits are in seventh heaven too as it's an unlimited food supply for the pesky little critters who live in the planted Christmas trees in the foreground.


  1. The garden is looking good man! Hope that it does very well for you this year.

    Watch out when that rhubarb gets settled in and really starts growing. Back on the farm when I was growing up we only had 2 plants (2 types of rhubarb) and I remember many years after eating what we could, and storing as much as possible for over winter; we still had a ton to give away!

    If the garden is going to be in a permanent spot you might want to also look at asparagus. It grows roughly an 1" an hour in 80 degree weather. Our trick to keep the crops going well was to let it go to seed at the end of the season. Just be careful of stray plants. Although they are easily dealt with. ;)

    One other plant to look into is Jerusalem Artichoke.

    My container garden died when we were in FL so I'm cheating and buying new Hopefully I'll have a place next year where I can put in an actual garden and not just containers.

  2. Hey there! I'd like to extend the garden if I can...make it bigger. But that is still up for discussion as the folks who share the garden feel it's just right LOL.

    Thanks for the heads up on the Artichoke and Asparagus and will research them.
